Saturday, November 17, 2012

On-line Auction a SUCCESS!!

The on-line auction was a HUGE success!!  Through the generous donations of amazing items to auction and the amazing bids of wonderful participants we  made over $3700!!  From our family to you and yours we humbly thank you from the bottoms of our hearts.  This money is going to change the lives of our family and help Larry have his number one fan (our mom) in Korea cheering him on.  We are able to support him and not worry about the financial costs to such an expensive endeavour.  This is truly life changing.  Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. My daughter is so eloquent, which I am not, but what I am is grateful, that I can be with Larry during this special time. He never doubted that I would attend and his wonderful sister made sure this would happen. To all of my supporters you are my angels God sent when I prayed for help. Thank you
    Terry Green
